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1. Accessing the Training Environment

In this chapter, we will learn how to use the DCM Case Management Solution. The DCM Case Management Solution is a web-based system that is accessed from a web browser by entering the URL given by your instructor into the address bar.

The following browsers are recommended for accessing Case Management Solution:

  • Google Chrome Version 71
  • Firefox 91
  • Internet Explorer 11

DCM Overview

To access the Case Management Solution, enter the username and password as provided by the instructor.

It is possible to select the Remember me checkbox so that the system remembers the current username for easy access.

Please note that in the production environment, it is possible to request a password reset by completing the following process:

  • Click the 'forgot password' link
  • Check your e-mail for reset instructions

After logging in, the System displays the My Workspace area which will display any applications the current user may have access to:

You are about to learn how to:

Accessing System Setup Area

Select the "My Workspace" menu at the top left corner of the screen. You will then see the Case Management area. This area is intended to be used for Case Workers to work on the cases assigned. As a DCM developer, you are going to work on this area most of the time. Use the following diagram to identify some of the topics that cover each area.

  1. In the upper left corner dropdown list, switch from Case Management to Setup. As we are going to create a Case though we need to work under DCM Setup:

    If you don't have permission to work on the system setup, this menu item will not appear. If you believe you need to have access to this menu, please contact your administrator. 

  2. Under this menu, navigate to Case Setup. Under the Case Setup menu, we have all the elements to configure a Case Type. The image below shows the Case Types. Navigate all menus under Case Setup.

Accessing Application Studio Area

  1. At the upper right corner, you have access to Application Studio, a lower level of configuration and developing area for deploying solutions or coding rules for example.
  2. Under the Business Rules section, click on Rules and see the list of rules already created in DCM as part of the core system.
  3. At the bottom of the page, you have navigation buttons.

  4. You can see the number of rules already deployed in your solution in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Setting Up Your Email

  1. The instructor will provide you with an email account like to use in the practices.
  2. Go to the webmail, and login in using the email account and password provided.
  3. Let the instructor know that you have successfully logged in.

Chapter Questions

Keep these answers in mind. We'll need to be familiar with them as we build the application. 

  • How many applications do you identify in your desktop? 

  • How many apps are available on your desktop? 

  • How many rules do you see in your environment?

  • What is the version of your environment?

Next Steps

2. Creating a Case Type

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