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Audit Security Administration

The Audit Security Administration page displays actions (Method Name) made in the security realm. These actions could be: create, delete, update users and groups, change password, change password by login, update a user profile, and update (grant/revoke) roles for users or groups.

Each Audit Security Administration record includes the following info:

DateDate and time of the operation and by whom it was performed (user login)
Method NameThe name of the method that was executed
SuccessResult of the operation: True or False

Each record has a piece of detailed information about the action. Select the action in the upper section and the specific information will be shown in the subgrid area (bottom of the screen).


The name of the parameter for the method. Each method has individual parameters.

Value Short

The value of the parameter for the method

Value Long

The long value of the parameter for the method (most of the time will be empty)

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