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Document Settings

DCM has the capabilities of Document Settings.

Maximum Upload File Size (in MB)

Maximum file size for files uploaded to CMS through DCM Uploaded Components. DCM Registry stores the value of Maximum Upload File Size in the environment variable named DCM_DOCUMENT_MAXFILESIZE. The default is 50.

Maximum Upload Image Size (in MB)

Maximum file size for files uploaded to CMS through the MDM Image field. DCM Registry stores the value of Maximum Upload Image Size in the environment variable named DCM_DOCUMENT_IMAGE_MAXFILESIZE. The default is 3.

Managing Documents Grid
Double-clicking on document

Sets a behavior of double-clicking on a document. DCM Registry stores the value of Double-clicking on a document in the environment variable named DCM_DOCUMENT_DOUBLECLICK. The default value is 1.

Allowing User to Use the Scan Utility

Sets an ability to Scan Documents. DCM Registry stores the value of allowing the User to Use the Scan Utility in the environment variable named DCM_DOCUMENT_USESCAN. The default value is 1.

Check on New Documents

Sets an ability to Check on New Documents. DCM Registry stores values of check on New Documents in the environment variable named DCM_DOCUMENT_AUTOCHECK. The default value is 0.

Additionally, set the environment variable named DCM_DOCUMENT_AUTOCHECKFREQUENCY. The default value is 5.

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