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How To Add Summary Fields to a Page Detail

In AppBase by Eccentex, the platform offers a flexible and customizable way to enhance the user experience by adding summary fields to the top toolbar of the page detail. These summary fields provide quick access to essential information about the record being viewed, making it convenient for users to get a snapshot of the record's key details without navigating to different application sections.

By organizing and displaying these summary fields in the top toolbar of the page detail, AppBase empowers users with a consolidated view of key record information, streamlining navigation and enhancing productivity. Users can customize the summary fields according to their specific needs, tailoring the user interface to optimize their workflow and decision-making process.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → <<your solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup (1)
  3. Navigate to Forms and Pages → Detail Pages (2).
  4. The pages marked as Is Default (Yes) cannot be edited. Clone the detail page and edit the cloned page.
  5. To edit a detail page, click the hyperlink on the page's name. This will open the Case Detail Page Builder.
  6. Drop the Summary field into the toolbar area.
  7. You can choose between the two levels.
  8. Configuring the settings. Select the Label Type in the Basic Settings section, select the Model Field in the Advance Label Settings.
  9. You can set the style in the Label Style field using JavaScript notation (color:green in the example)
  10. Save the changes.
  11. Save the detail page.

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