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26. Update a Solution Configuration

Once the delivery project has two or more solution environments there is always a need to update the subordinate environment (Test, Production, etc.) with the configuration from the development environment. Again the recommendation is to do this on a regular basis, ideally after every development sprint. 

Usually, this process will consist of the following steps: 

Prepare the Update Package

  1. In the source environment, do an AppBase solution export file following the steps in 24. Backing Up DCM Solutions
  2. Download the file and save it as DCM_solution.ZIP in a safe place.
  3. Export the solution runtime configuration with DEXP. Navigate to Data Export/Import (1) Menu section, on the Select Configuration select DCM Update Export (2).

  4. Then click on the Export Selected button.
  5. Prepare the configuration access subjects export file as in 24. Backing Up DCM Solutions - Exporting Additional Resources.

  6. Additional resources that might be required depending on a solution (this is a less common situation).

Solution Update Instructions

Usually, the update instruction consists of several similar steps that are updated based on the context of solution changes between updates

  1. Backup the current configuration on the target environment as in 24. Backing Up DCM Solutions
  2. In System Setup > Solutions, import the source AppBase solution (the DCM_solution.ZIP file saved in the previous chapter).

  3. Navigate to Application Studio -> Deployment Management > Advanced Deployment, and run the deployment of the new imported AppBase solution.

  4. If there are no errors, go to the next step.
  5. From the Data Export/Import Menu section (1), click on the Import From File button (2).
  6. Unselect the ‘Create Backup’ option and browse for the file created in 24. Backing Up DCM Solutions step.
  7. Setting up users, configuring integrations, setting up correct environment variables, security objects (Business Roles, Teams, Skills, and Grouped Workbaskets)
  8. Navigate to Setup > Export/Import > import Board (2)
  9. Click the magnifier glass icon and select the source export file obtained in the 24. Backing Up DCM Solutions chapter.
  10. Click the Import button (3) and wait for the import to finish.
  11. When the import finish you will see a new record under the Import Log view. Click the last import record and see the details on the right window.
  12. Optionally perform environment-related configurations like setting up users, configuring integrations, setting up correct environment variables, etc.

Next Steps


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