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9. Using Dictionaries in Forms

In addition to the large range of standard fields that the DCM provides for Case, Task, and Party Types, there is also the ability to add new fields of many types. These ‘Custom Fields’ allow a DCM solution to be customized for the unique requirements of each business. For fields that behave as drop-down lists, the Dictionary feature enables you to quickly define the various lists of values that can be used for drop-down field selection by a caseworker.

Create the Type of Employment Dictionary

In order to add a custom field (or Word) to the DCM solution, a category for that field/word needs to be created first.

  1. Navigate to Setup → Forms and Pages → Dictionaries(1)
  2. Click on the green plus button 
    to add a New Category(2)
  3. Type ‘Employment Types’ for Name
  4. Select the ‘group users’ Icon, set the Color to ‘FFF126’ (an ugly color, I know)
  5. Under the new category ‘Employment Types’ add the Word ‘Professional’ using the plus button beside the Alphabetize button.
  6. Save the new Word.

  7. Now we are going to export this definition. The idea is to modify/add the Word entries right in the Excel file and then upload the file with all the changes.
  8. Open the recently exported Excel file named ‘DictionaryImportTemplate.xlsx’ and complete it with the following words.







    You can add customizations to each word on Style and/or RowStyle properties. For example, adding the {color: green} Style code to the Self-Employed.

  9. Import the updated Excel file containing the new Words and validate your results with the following image.

Add a Dictionary to the Auto Loan Form

  1. Navigate to Setup → Case Setup → Case Types
  2. Open the Auto Loan Data Model.
  3. Open the Form for Employer.
  4. Add a Dictionary Word to the Auto Loan BO from the System Reference Objects list at the left.

  5. Select the newly added object (1), Change the Name to Employment Type (2), and select Employment Types from the Category dropdown list (3). If you don’t see the dictionary, click on the refresh whirlpool button.

  6. Save the changes.
  7. Check the Status Report and notice that we need to do a deployment to implement the new relationship with the Dictionary for Employment Type category.

  8. Navigate to Application Studio (1) -> DCM Training (2), and execute an Advanced Deployment (3).
  9.  After deployment finishes without errors, go back to Setup → Master Data Management → Data Models
  10. Open the Auto Loan model and the Auto Loan form.
  11. Expand the Business Object fields list and add the Employment Type dictionary just under the Customer Name field.

  12. Do a Preview, and check that you can see the options in the Employment Type dropdown list.
  13. Close the Form Preview
  14. Save your changes.
  15. Select the Employment Type field and change the Renderer to Radio Group, and the Position to Horizontal.
  16. Do a Preview to see how the dictionary values are displayed now.
  17. Save the changes.

Next Steps

10. Using Child Business Objects in Forms

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