Users can add a party, such as a customer or vendor, to the CRM.
Steps to create a new party
On the top right, navigate to → ServiceJourney
On the left, navigate to → Case Management → CRM Search
Click on green button
Fill out the form as appropriate
How primary phone numbers, emails, and addresses work
Every Party can have up to one primary phone number, email address, and physical address. The primary email address must be unique across all other parties.
Primary contact information has different purposes:
Primary phone number
A party can have only one primary phone number.
If ServiceJourney is used with Genesys Cloud, the system attempts to identify the person calling by matching the incoming phone number with the party's primary phone number.
Primary email address
A party can have only one primary email address. If you enter an email address that is already in the CRM, you will receive an error message and not be able to save the party.
Incoming emails are matched to specific parties by their primary email address. A party's other email addresses are for information purposes only.
Primary address
A party can have only one primary address number.
There is no special logic around a primary physical address.
To set a primary value, such as an Email:
In the New Party, scroll down to Email.
Click on the green button
Check the Is Primary field
Fill out the rest of the form
Click Save
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