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Business Hours Setup

Specify the hours when your support team is available to serve customers. This helps make your department’s processes, such as SLA, escalations, and milestones, more accurate.

Steps to configure

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → Company Setup
  2. On the left, navigate to Company → Business Hours View
  3. Click the
    Edit button
  4. Select a Time Zone. The default Time Zone is set on the Company Profile page but if the business hours need to reference a different timezone without changing the default, select the timezone from the dropdown list.
  5. Set the Open and Close hours for each day of the week
  6. Set Not Active if the company does not do business that day
  7. Click Save

SLA Calculations

When a case is created, the Due Date is calculated based on the defined SLA for that case in the Automatically triaging emails, the Business Hours and the Holidays.
When any case is re-opened, the SLA is updated to reflect the standard SLA, resetting to the default, ignoring any time that passed during the initial process.

Example: The SLA is set in the Email Routing configuration to 8 working hours (SLA Unit = 8. SLA Unit Type = WORKHOUR). The working hours are Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. A new case is created on a Tuesday at 11:00 am, the due date for the SLA will be Wednesday at 11:00 am (not Tuesday 7:00 pm).

The unit DAY is equal to 24 hours, basically, an SLA of 1 DAY will be equivalent to 2 working days and 6 working hours (24 hours/9 = 2.25 working days, or 2 WORKDAY plus 6 WORKHOUR)
If real workdays are required for the SLA, use the UNIT type WORKDAYS.
In general, it is better to use the WORKDAY, WORKHOUR, and WORKMINUTE units, as they take into consideration real work time.

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