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Case Data Model

The DCM Data Model is built upon a rich and extensible metadata definition system that enables you to describe and share your own semantically enhanced data types, capturing valuable business information which can be integrated and enriched with heterogeneous data to deliver actionable intelligence.

With AppBase's Master Data Management feature, you can structure your data to represent concepts and activities that are commonly used and well understood. You can query and analyze that data, reuse it, and interoperate with other businesses and applications that use the same format. These data models can be used to define thousands of entities such as Customer, Product, Vendor, Claim, Purchase Order, etc. as well as identifying data for regulatory and compliance purposes. 

High-level data model

High-level data model descriptions


Main object for holding a Case, which has a start and finish


Main object for holding an individual piece of work necessary to complete a Case

External Party

Main object for holding external entities such as Customer, Insurance Company of other such units


Forum-like communications for long-running discussions around a Case, Task or External Party


Chat-like communication for quick discussions around a Case, Task or External Party


Uploaded, scanned, captured or generated documents. Usually has a URI that points to a CMS address.

Document Folder

Folder for organizing documents


Full audit of all events, workflow, changes and ownership

Work Activity

Self-reported time spent working on a Case or Task


Times for when a piece of work needs to be done or worked on


Automatic events that occur throughout the Case or Task's lifecycle, such as when it's assigned or routed


Statistical information collected around how efficiently a Case or Task was completed


Various setup tables for orchestrating Case Management, Master Data Management, Security and so on

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