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Case Link Types

A Case can be configured to include a Related Cases tab for linking other cases explicitly for a variety of reasons.  For example, a separate case may be related as occurring at the same location, or another case may be a causation, and so on.

The Case Link Types function enables you to define a list of relationships for why one case is linked to another.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 
    → <<your solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup
  3. Navigate to Case Setup → Case Link Types (1), click on the 
     New Case Link Type button (2).
  4. Enter the Name for the Case Link Type relationship.

  5. The Permanent Code field will be auto-populated using the Name field, subtracting dash (-) and any spaces or special characters; it also changes to uppercase.

    You can override Code Value (ensuring no spaces or special characters are used). The code Value cannot be changed after saving.

  6. Select a Dependence from the drop-down.
  7. Insert a brief Description of the  Case Link Type.
  8. Save the configuration.

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