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ServiceJourney is an omnichannel support tool, which acts as a single platform where all customer queries come in. The different support channels include - Email, Phone, Chat, Social (Twitter and Facebook), Website and E-commerce.


Each ServiceJourney solution can monitor multiple mailboxes, allowing agents to access and manage all support emails in one place. Incoming emails are either converted to an Email Case or attached to an existing Case. Every case that comes into the helpdesk can be prioritized, categorized, and assigned automatically. Agents can collaborate on a particular issue, pull up a history of previous interactions with the customer and create new sub-cases. Treating emails as cases prevents multiple agents from replying to the same query. 

Phone calls (via Genesys)

ServiceJourney integrates with Genesys Cloud CX to provide phone support.

ServiceJourney and Genesys Cloud CX are tightly integrated, screen-popping a 360-degree view of the customer and along with all of their cases. Phone numbers can be purchased from Genesys or brought in by other providers such as Twilio. 

Webchat (via Genesys)

ServiceJourney integrates with Genesys Cloud CX to provide real-time web chat support.

Visitors and customers can engage with your organization through modern messaging they are used to. Similar to phone calls, ServiceJourney tries to automatically identify the chatter within it's CRM and screen-pop it to the agent.

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