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Creating a Knowledge Base

Architectural hierarchy of the Knowledge Base Solution.

This section discusses the following tasks:

Adding a New Knowledge Base

Use the following procedure to add a new KB to the solution.

  1. Navigate to Data Management → Knowledge Base Management
  2. To add a new Knowledge Base click on the Add KB button 
  3. Type the Name of the new KB
  4. Select an Icon and the Color for the icon
  5. Save the new KB
  6. After a minute you will see the new KB in the list

Editing a Knowledge Base

Use the following procedure to edit a KB definition.

  1. Navigate to Data Management → Knowledge Base Management
  2. To edit a KB click on the Name link
  3. In the pop-up window, you could change the Name BUT the Code could not be edited
  4. Change the Icon and/or the Color for the Icon
  5. Save you changes

Deleting a Knowledge Base

Use the following procedure to delete a KB

  1. Navigate to Data Management → Knowledge Base Management
  2. To delete a KB select Delete from the gear icon 
    next to the Name of the KB to delete
  3. Confirm Yes in the Warning pop-up window.

    ATTENTION: After confirming, the process will delete permanently ALL the Articles and Categories. There is no way to undo this process.

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