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Editing the Search Page

In a standard case, the search pages are added dynamically to the left menu, in the Case Management application under the "Generic Searches"/"Search Case/Partys".

This document describes how to edit a Generic Search page through Application Studio.

Each object created in the MDM can have a custom search screen configured. This customization includes the ability to define and position the fields used to enter search criteria, and the resulting grid of results.

The design surface of the Search Builder is made up of key components:

  • Toolbox (1) - provides the various controls and elements that can be incorporated into the search table and search fields.
  • Grid layout editor (2) - the drag and drop visual grid editor for placing and organizing columns.
  • Search (3) - provides the ability to drag and drop any fields that can be used for searching for records.

Steps to Setting A Custom Search

  1. Navigate to Setup → Master Data Management → Data Models (1), and open the Auto Loan
  2. Select the Searches tab (2). Here you can see that MDM already has created a default search page for each object in the model
  3. Select the Bank Account search to change the Search grid and fields for it.
  4. On the right side of the screen, the designated fields that can be used to search for a record are presented. Delete the Id field from the Search panel.
  5. Click on the gear icon 
    and re-order the fields. For example, moving the Date fields to the bottom (use drag & drop to change the position of the fields). Click on Apply.
  6. Click on the gear icon located in the Grid Layout Editor frame (1). Move all date columns to the right.
  7. Deselect the Id column so it will be invisible in the default view, but it can be enabled later if needed.
  8. Edit the properties of the column Account Number.
  9. Set the column Width to 300.
  10. Add (drag & drop) the column FICO from the Auto Loan object in the Toolbox left panel to the Canvas. Edit the new FICO column to put it at the right of the Account Name.

  11. Edit the properties of the column FICO to set the Width to 100, and to un-check the Sortable Apply changes.
  12. Save your changes to the Search and do a Preview.
  13. Edit the Grid Properties and select the Hide Export button and the Hide Delete row action.
  14. After deploying you could check the customized Auto Loan search form under the Search Cases menu.
    We are going to add the option to search for Bank Accounts.
  15. Go to to Setup – Master Data Management – Data Models. Select Bank Account. Open the Search Builder.
  16. Remove columns related to dates and keep those related to the Bank Account info from the Grid and Search.
  17. Add Customer Name and Loan Amount columns from the Auto Loan object.
  18. Add Case ID from the CASE object.
  19. Save and Deploy your new search form.

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