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Grid/Search Settings

DCM has Grid/Search Settings that allow the administrator to change the Grid and Search form layout's behavior.

Settings Description

Double-click on a Row

Sets a behavior of double-clicking on a Row. The default value is Open a Detail Page.

Use a Custom Width of Created/Modified By Column

Switches on/off an ability to use a custom width of the Created By or Modified By columns. The default is Yes.

Created/Modified By Column Width

Sets a custom width of the Created By or Modified By columns. The default is 120 (120 px).

Use a Custom Width of Created/Modified Date Column

Switches on/off an ability to use a custom width of a date column. The default is Yes.

Created/Modified Date Column Width

Sets a custom width of the Created Date or Modified Date columns. The default is 85 (85 px).
Export Button Mode

From DCM 7.4, there are three options for the behavior of the Export button menu. The default setting is Advanced.

  • Advanced: The menu button shows the three export options: Export All Data, Export Grid, and the Export Raw Data.
  • SimpleThe menu button shows only the Export Grid option.
  • Hidden: The Export buttons are always hidden.
Search Panel
Enable filters in search pagesEnables the ability to set filters on search panels. The default is Yes.
Allow users to manage their own filtersEnables the ability to filter saved templates by the current user on search panels. The default is Yes.

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