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Grouped Work Baskets

A work basket is a named queue of open cases or tasks that are not associated with a case worker. A workbasket can be linked to Users (Case Workers), Teams, Skills and/or Business Roles to help ensure the case is assigned to every type of issue.

Add New Grouped Work Baskets

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → <<your solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup
  3. Navigate to Internal People → Grouped Work Baskets

  4. Click on the plus button to add a new Grouped Work Baskets.
  5. Assign a Name to the Grouped Work Baskets.
  6. Additionally, add a Description.
  7. Select if this new Grouped Work Baskets will be used in the Case and/or Task inboxes.

  8. Click Save to add the new Grouped Work Baskets.

Manage Members

  1. To add members to the group, select the Units tab.
  2. Click the Add/Remove ... button to manage the members.
  3. Use the buttons in the middle to add or remove users to the Grouped Work Baskets.
  4. Click the Done button when finishing.

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