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How To Set Up Form/Page Settings

DCM provides an ability to hide some elements on Forms and Pages. Here we describe the options available for each category.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → <<your solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup
  3. Navigate to Forms and Pages (1) → Form/Page Settings (1)

Hide Basic Info

Case Legacy Forms

If selected, then the Basic Info tab in legacy case forms will be hidden

Add New Case

Detail/View Case

Modify Case

Not Apply

Case MDM Forms

If selected, basic info in MDM case forms (create/modify/detail) will be hidden.

ActionNot SelectedSelected
Add New Case

Detail/View Case
Modify Case

External Party Forms

Basic info in external party forms (create/modify/detail) will be hidden if selected.

Add New Case


Not Apply

Hide 'Assign to Me'

Combobox 'Assign To'

If selected, the 'Assign to Me' hyperlink is hidden for all the combo-box 'Assign To'. Only valid if Hide Basic Info is Not Selected.

ActionNot SelectedSelected

Create New Case

Case/Task Inboxes

Assign Case

Case/Task Monitors

Case and Task Detail pages

If selected, then the 'Assign to Me' button is hidden on Case and Task detail pages

PageNot SelectedSelected
Case detail page

Task detail page

Case and Task Inbox pages

If selected, then 'Assign to Me' buttons are hidden on Case and Task inbox pages

PageNot SelectedSelected
Case Inboxes

Task Inboxes

Email Indexing page

If selected, then the 'Assign to Me' buttons are hidden on the Email Indexing page

PageNot SelectedSelected

Counter in the Widget's Header of a Detail Page

Hide counter in headers

If selected, then counters in tab headers of detail pages are hidden.

PageNot SelectedSelected
Case detail page

Party detail page

Hide 0 in headers only

If selected, counters showing no elements ('0') will be hidden in tab headers of detail pages.

Detail PageNot SelectedSelected

Case Legacy

MDM Case

External Party

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