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Managing Lists

In a Knowledge Base, a List is a method used to organize links to Articles, DCM elements, web pages, tools, and other useful information, into a collection.

The List collection is used in various places in an Online Help to add functionality and scalability to certain features.

Add a List

  1. Navigate to Data Management → List Management
  2. Click on the Add List button
  3. Type the Name for the List

  4. Save it.

Adding an Article Link To The List

List links can include Articles or External resources like DCM elements, web pages, and other useful information.

  1. Navigate to Data Management → List Management
  2. In the List grid, select the List you will add links to.
  3. In the Links grid, click the Add Links button.
  4. Select Article
  5. In the Target Article, select an article to be included from the dropdown list.
    The Name will be auto-populated based on the article title (you can edit it for a short version if needed).
  6. Save it.

Adding an External Resource To The List

List links can include Articles or External resources like DCM elements, web pages, and other useful information.

  1. Navigate to Data Management → List Management
  2. In the List grid, select the List you will add links to.
  3. In the Links grid, click the Add Links button.
  4. Select External
  5. Type a Name for the link
  6. In the External URL, insert the URL to the resource to be included in the list.
  7. Save it.

Edit List Name

  1. Navigate to Data Management → List Management
  2. Click on the Name of the list
  3. Modify the Name for the List
  4. Save it.

Delete a List

  • Navigate to Data Management → List Management
  • Select Delete from the gear icon 

    next to the Name of the tag to delete.

  • Click the Yes button to confirm to proceed to delete it.

    The list and all its links will be permanently deleted from the KB. There is no undo for this.

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