The Notifications section contains the articles with changes or all the articles in the KB that contain the article that has the Watching enabled.
- On change in attachments, if the article version is Published: "Attachment for article <Article Title>(<Article Code>) was add/removed"
- On link changes only if links isPublic: "Links in article <Article Title>(<Article Code>) was added/updated/removed"
- On add/modify Comments if the subscriber is not the current user and the State is "Public": "Comments to article <Article Title>(<Article Code>) was added"
- On publishing a new version: "New version of article <Article Title>(<Article Code>) was published"
- In the article Expire send a notification only to the current owner: "Article <Article Title>(<Article Code>) was expired"
- When an article is assigned to a user send a notification to the new owner: "Article <Article Title>(<Article Code>) was assigned to you"
Notifications Page Layout
This section displays all the notifications. The New notifications are highlighted in light green, and the notifications Read are not highlighted.
This grid shows the following notifications:
- Сhanges in articles or all the articles in the KB that contain the article that has the Watching feature enabled.
Сhanges to articles you created. The notifications in this case are automatic, not necessary with the Watching feature enabled.
Grid Columns
Field Name | Description |
ID | ID of Notification |
Event Id | ID of Event |
Status | Status of notification |
Subject | Subject of notification |
Object code | Code of object reported in the notification |
Object type | Type of object reported in the notification |
Initiator | User which has convened notification |
Initiation on | Date when the notification was convened |
Created By | Displaying the name of the creator |
Created Date | Displaying date of creation |
Top Bar Actions
Action Button | Description |
Mark selected notifications as Read | |
Mark selected notifications as Unread | |
Delete selected records |