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Messages in Eccentex DCM use Placeholder fields to automatically insert data from your solution. These placeholders act like labels, telling the system which information to pull.

For example, imagine a message template with "Hello, @CaseOwner@!" When the message is sent, the placeholder @CaseOwner@ will be replaced with the actual name of the person assigned to the case.

The DCM comes with a library of existing Placeholders (including the functions executed by AppBase), and these can be added to, modified, or removed if not required.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → <<your solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup
  3. Navigate to History Templates → Placeholders (1).
  4. Click on the green plus button (
    ) to add a New Placeholder (2).
  5. Insert the Name for the Placeholder. In our example, ‘CaseOwner’.
  6. Select the Processor Code from the dropdown list. The processor code is an SQL Non-Query function rule that returns a value from the DCM platform.
  7. Insert a brief Description.
  8. Save it when done.

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