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Send Email Event Settings

A Send Email event is infrequently utilized within the DCM platform, relying on the Application Studio Email Template system. However, many Professional Services teams tend to prefer the LTR feature due to its enhanced functionality. Regrettably, the current situation necessitates the use of custom rules by the PS team to facilitate email transmission through LTR, primarily because DCM lacks a native LTR event within Milestone, Common Events, and Procedures. The Send Email aka LTR Send Email event, was created to reduce the amount of custom code in solutions.

Creating an email notification involves specifying when to send it, who receives it, what it contains, and what happens after an email is sent.

  • When will it send - Conditions that are required to send the notification.
  • Who will receive it - Recipients of the notification.
  • What will it contain - Contents of the notification.
  • What happens after it sends - Logic after an email was sent.

General settings.

Some settings have been implemented for phase 1 and are described in this document below.

When will it send
Condition to Send

Allows the user to select a Business Rule that will prevent the email from being sent. A common use case is only sending an email when the Case has High priority or not sending an email if a Customer does not want to be contacted by email.

There are these options:

  • None (default)
    No additional settings
  • Advanced Rule
    A dropdown of applicable rules
Who will receive it

There are these options:

  • Get from template (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Event creator
    The user who triggered the action, such as a milestone transition or record change. If this can't be calculated (i.e., SLA), then the system will be used default from the template.
  • Static Email Addresses
    Text field for email addresses
  • Specific user/team/skill/etc.
    A dropdown of all caseworkers, teams, skills, and workbaskets. Email every member if it's a group context like a workbasket.
  • Participant in Case (case party)
    A dropdown of all participants in the associated Case Type. Only available for configurations related to Case Types and Task Types. If a Team/Skill is selected, then email everyone in that team.
  • Context Properties
    Ability to select a standard property such as "Case creator" or "Task owner", or select a relevant MDM property like a text attribute or even an MDM reference object like an External Party. Available properties should automatically adjust depending on where the event is being configured.
      • This option is hidden for Procedure common events
      • For procedure builder: MDM fields are available if the Procedure has only one case type
  • Advanced Rule
    A dropdown of applicable rules
CCSame as "To" properties except "Static Email Addresses" is the default
BCCSame as "To" properties except "Static Email Addresses" is the default
Distribution Channel

There are options:

  • Static (default)
    A dropdown of all available Distribution Channels
  • Advanced Rule
    A dropdown of applicable rules that return the code of a Distribution Channel

There are options:

  • Get from distribution channel (default)
    No additional settings
  • Get from template 
    No additional settings.
  • Static Email Address
    Text field for a single email address 
  • Advanced Rule
    A dropdown of applicable rules
Reply To

There are options:

  • Get from distribution channel (default) 
    No additional settings
  • Static Email Address
    Text field for a single email address 
  • Event creator
    The email address of the user who triggered the event. If this can't be calculated (i.e. SLA), then automatically default to the distribution channel.
  • Context Properties
    Ability to select a standard property such as "Case creator" or "Task owner", or the ability to select a relevant MDM property like a text attribute or even an MDM reference object like an External Party. Available properties should automatically adjust depending on where the event is being configured. 
      • This option is hidden for Procedure common events
      • For procedure builder: MDM fields are available if the Procedure has only one case type
  • Advanced Rule
    A dropdown of applicable rules
What will it contain
Letter Template

There are these options:

  • Static (default)
    A dropdown of all applicable email templates (i.e., Templates where the Root Object Type can be calculated from the context)
  • Advanced Rule
    A dropdown of applicable rules

There are options:

  • Get from template (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Static Subject
    Text field for a subject line
  • Advanced Rule
    A Dropdown of applicable rules



Plain Text Body

There are these options:

  • Get from template (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Static HTML
    HTML Editor for the body. This option doesn't support any placeholders because if PS teams are needed, the user can create a real template.
  • Static Plain Text
    A text area for the plain text version body.
  • Advanced Rule
    A Dropdown of applicable rules

Notes for Static selects:

  • Static HTML filters emailhtml and emailhtmlbuilder letter templates
  • Static Plain Text filters emailplaintext letter templates
  • If the user selects Body as Static Plain Text  then the system should send the email as plain text
  • If the user selects Body as Static HTML then the system should send the email as HTML
  • If the user selects Body as "advanced rule" or "get from template," then the system should get the IsBodyHtml type from the template

There are these options:

  • Get from template (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Advanced Rule
    A Dropdown of applicable rules that will add additional attachments to the default ones
Convert attachments to PDF

There are options:

  • Yes
    No additional settings. All attachments get converted to PDF before being sent.
  • No (default)
    No additional settings. Attachments are not converted.
What happens after it sends
On Success Rule

There are these options:

  • Get from template (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Advanced Rule
    A Dropdown of applicable rules
On Failure Rule
  • Advanced Rule
    A Dropdown of applicable rules. In the rule, pass the ExceptionMessage parameter that contains the exception message.
Name in History/Logs

This will determine the title of the email event in the History table and Log Viewer.

There should be these options:

  • Template name (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Static
    Text field for name
Description in History/Logs

This will determine the description of the email event in the History table and Log Viewer.

There should be these options:

  • Template description (default)
    No additional settings.
  • Static
    A text area for a description

Note: If you want to add to the history message attachment list and PDF document (if it is). Add the {{_AttachmentsInHistory}} to the text of or template.

Save Copy of Email Body    

There should be these options:

  • Yes(default)
    No additional settings. You should be able to download PDF Files from both the History tab and the Log Viewer.
    Note: Letter template with code EMAIL_TO_PDF is used to generate PDF documents. 
  • No
Advanced settings 
Additional rule parameters

Ability to add custom parameters that propagate throughout the Advanced Rules, Bookmarks and Placeholders.  


  1. In c# and NonQuery rules you can get parameters from the request
  2. In function, you need to get ADDITIONAL_PARAMS value from Input parameter. It contains JSON objects.
  3. In bookmarks, you can use a parameter as a placeholder: @Parameter@

Rule Examples


Sample of the rule that returns a string of document CMS URLs and names in this format:

<name of document1>|<cms url 1>;<name of document2>|<cms url 2>

Sample of the rule that returns a string of emails for the BCC field. 

In custom rules separate emails by a semicolon.


Sample of the rule that returns a string of emails for the CC field. 

In custom rules separate emails by a semicolon.

Condition to Send



Sample of Validation Rule that always returns failed validation

Sample of Validation Rule that always returns successful validation

Distribution ChannelQA_email_getDistrChannelSample of the rule that returns a string of a distribution channel
FromQA_email_getFromAddressSample of the rule that returns a string of emails for FROM field
HTML BodyQA_email_getHtmlBodySample of the rule that returns an HTML body content
Letter TemplateQA_email_getLtrTemplateSample of the rule that returns a string of an email template
On Failure Rule



On Success Rule





Sample of a simple rule that deployed as C#

Sample of a simple rule that deployed as NonQuery SQL

Sample of a simple rule that deployed as NonQuery SQL Function

Sample of custom success rule for email widget (LTR Template - On Success)

Plain Text BodyQA_email_getTxtBodySample of the rule that returns a plain text body content

Sample of the rule that returns a string of emails for the TO field.

In custom rules separate emails by a semicolon.

SubjectQA_email_getSubjectSample of the rule that returns a string of an email subject

Sample of the rule that returns a string of emails for the TO field. 

In custom rules separate emails by a semicolon.

The To Rule (as well as all the other rules) have hard-coded the email addresses to, or

You can change them and put your email addresses instead.

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