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Users refer to any individual granted access to the DCM platform. This can include a wide range of people, such as:

  • Business analysts
  • Knowledge workers
  • IT administrators

Users can access the DCM platform and its features, depending on their permissions. They can use DCM to create and manage cases, processes, and data. They can also use DCM to generate reports and dashboards.

To add a new User to the DCM platform, an administrator must grant an individual access. This is done by creating a new user account. Once a user has been granted access to the DCM platform, they can log in using their credentials. They will then be able to access the features of DCM that they have been granted permission to use.

Add New User

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → <<your solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup
  3. Navigate to Internal People → Users (1).
  4. Click the New User button, the green plus 
    button at the top (2).
  5. Fill out the mandatory fields in the General Information section.

  6. Fill out the mandatory fields in the Preferences section.
  7. Click Save when done (or Cancel if you wish to exit without saving).

Disable a User

  1. Click the gear button 
    next to the user.
  2. Select the Disable User option.
  3. You will see the User is disabled status under the User Status column.

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