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Using Templates in the Case Detail Page

AppBase enables you to use templates for HTML Emails and/or Microsoft Word and use them in any AppBase application to populate fields in the template with specific content from your application. For example, you might use a New Customer Welcome Letter template to pull information from the BOM to create a PDF containing each customer’s information. The resulting letter could be placed in the CMS and work like any other file.


  1. In the Setup application, under Forms and Pages > Detail Pages, open the AUTO LOAN Detail Page.
  2. Open the Case Emails tab (1) and click the Edit tab (2) button.
  3. In the Send Email Template field select LOAN REVIEW NOTIFICATION from the dropdown list.
  4. Save the configuration.
  5. Save the Page Detail
  6. Run a Preview to validate the changes. Select the Case Emails tab then click the Send Email button.
  7. Validate that the Attachment was generated using the template and the email body has the correct values from the case selected.
  8. Send the email and check your inbox.
  9. Check the body of the email and the attached document.

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