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14. Milestone Diagram Configuration

Upon creating a new Case Type, the system automatically creates a Milestone Diagram for the Case Type. A Milestone can have SLAs, defined as the time a Case can be in that State. If an SLA is violated, it will execute any attached Events. A Milestone can have exactly 1 Goal SLA, 1 Deadline SLA, and any Other SLAs.

When we create an Auto Loan Case Type, the system automatically creates an accompanying auto loan milestone diagram, which we can now use to build our procedure. The steps below detail how to make the layout of the basic milestone diagram.


  1. Open the Auto Loan milestone diagram.
  2. Delete the In Process and Resolved default milestones states.
  3. Delete both Restart Case transition. Compare your results with the following image.
  4. Add a new In Process milestone state to the diagram and rename it as 'Get Credit Report'.
  5. Change the Background Color of the milestone to Green (0EFF46).
  6. Add a path from the Assignment milestone to the Get Credit Report milestone and name it Get Credit Report. If needed, update the Permanent Code to GET_CREDIT_REPORT. Compare your diagram with the following image.
  7. Add a new In Process milestone state to the diagram and name it. ‘Fast Track Approval’. If needed, update the Permanent Code to FAST_TRACK_APPROVAL.
  8. Change the Background Color of the milestone to Green (0EFF46).
  9. Add a path from the Get Credit Report milestone to the Fast Track Approval milestone and name it Fast Track Approval. If needed, update the Permanent Code to GET_CREDIT_REPORT. Compare your diagram with the following image.
  10. Add the rest of the milestone states and their connecting paths:
    1. In Process: ‘Qualification Review
    2. In Process: ‘Employment Verification
    3. In Process: ‘Loan Assignment
    4. Resolved: ‘Email Decision
  11. Create the transitions as shown in the following image.
  12. Move the rule CUST_TRN_getCreditScoreFn from the New state to the Get Credit Report state.

    Hint: there is no drag & drop option to move a milestone. You will have to delete it and create it again in the Get Credit Report state

  13. Drag & drop an SLA Deadline to the Assignment milestone
  14. Configure the SLA with the Transition from New → Assignment
  15. Set the Deadline to 5 minutes.
  16. Drag & drop an Execute Rule Event on the Email Decision milestone
  17. Select CUST_ltr_send_email from the Rule dropdown list.
  18. Set the following parameters parameters for the rule:

    1. From:

    2. Subject: Loan Approval Letter

    3. To: (Note: Use a valid email address)

      To edit the value of a parameter, double-click on the field to open the editor.

  19. Your milestone diagram should look like the following.
  20. Save the diagram.

Next Steps

15. Testing DCM Solutions

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