Article Search
Users can search for all or part of an Article name, tags, by knowledgebase, category, created by, created date, modified by, keywords, phrases, or by the Article code.
On this page, we will cover how to perform a search using the basic options, if you need to do an advanced search go to the Advanced Article Search page.
Keyword Search
Begin by entering words in the text field and clicking on the Magnify Glass button a list of suggested Articles will be displayed in the drop-down menu
Entered value in this field should be in one of the next fields:
- Title (like)
- Tags (TagName like)
- Body (like) Only when FTS is enabled
When users enter a value into the search field system look in all the KBs what articles contain the entered value in the title or in one of the tags and suggest to the user the articles. If FTS is enabled the search will also include the Body of the article.
When the user selects one of the suggested articles, the system will open it in the Article Detail section.
Search Using FTS
Users can also search for a specific keyword within the title, tags, or the body of an Article using query syntax:
- title:<keyword>
- tags:<word>
- body:<keyword>
For more information about the advanced options for searching using FTS go to the Advanced Article Search page.
These search options required that the FTS service must be active and working properly with the indexes updated. For more information contact the Knowledge Administrator.