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Configuring Locale in AppBase

If you want to support more than one language, see Adding multiple languages to AppBase. AppBase fully supports UTF-8 (Unicode). All languages supported by AppBase can be added to forms, notes, reports, etc.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 

    → System Setup Home.

  2. Under Company (1), select Locales (2).

  3. Click on the Add New Locale button to add a new locale definition.

  4. In our example, we show how to add Brazilian Portuguese.

    1. Select Portuguese for Language.

    2. Select the Portuguese (Brazil) in the Locale dropdown list.

    3. The other fields will be populated based on the Locale selection. You can edit them if needed.

  5. Save the locale.

  6. After saving, you will find the new locale in the Locales list (pt-BR). If you need to make any changes, click on the Pencil button to edit the locale definition.

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