Configuring Locale in AppBase
If you want to support more than one language, see Adding multiple languages to AppBase. AppBase fully supports UTF-8 (Unicode). All languages supported by AppBase can be added to forms, notes, reports, etc.
- On the top right, navigate to System Setup Home → .
- Under Company (1), select Locales (2).
- Click on the Add New Locale button to add a new locale definition.
- In our example, we show how to add Brazilian Portuguese.
- Select Portuguese for Language.
- Select the Portuguese (Brazil) in the Locale dropdown list.
- The other fields will be populated based on the Locale selection. You can edit them if needed.
- Save the locale.
- After saving, you will find the new locale in the Locales list (pt-BR). If you need to make any changes, click on the Pencil button to edit the locale definition.