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Email Capture Monitor

AppBase has a more low-level monitoring tool for showing technical details about every captured email.

Using the tool

A user must have administrative rights to access this section.

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → Application Studio → ServiceJourney
  2. Once inside Application Studio, navigate to Channel Setup → Email Capture Monitor

Filters options

The Email Capture Monitor provides many search filters to aid your investigation.

FilterDescriptionValid Options
PeriodThe date range for the capture item Created date
  • Last 24 hours
  • Last 48 hours
  • Today
  • Last Monday
  • Last Tuesday
  • Last Wednesday
  • Last Thursday
  • Last Friday
  • Last Saturday
  • Last Sunday
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 14 day
  • All
StateCapture item State
  • ANY
  • Creating
  • BeforeCaptureServiceSubmit
  • ProcessingByCaptureService
  • PreparingForActiveMQ
  • SubmittedToActiveMQ
  • RetrievedByEventServiceForProcessing
  • CaptureRuleExecuted
StatusCapture item processing Status
  • ANY
  • Normal
  • Halted
  • RestartRequested
  • RestartPending

Email Capture Channel Code name.

This drop-down list is built from the AppBase actual configuration.

  • None
  • SJ Default Capture
  • EmailIndexing
TitleText to search in the Captured Email Title. Usually the Subject field of the incoming email.

Free text. No case sensitive.

Search for the text in any place of the Title (LIKE %text%).

Queue IdCapture item Queue Id

Free number.

Search for the exact match of the Queue Id number.

ResultResult of the rule execution
  • Success
  • Failure
Restart StateThe state of the item before it was set to restart
  • ANY
  • Creating
  • BeforeCaptureServiceSubmit
  • ProcessingByCaptureService
  • PreparingForActiveMQ
  • SubmittedToActiveMQ
  • RetrievedByEventServiceForProcessing
  • CaptureRuleExecuted
Capture Rule Result

Text to search in the XML output of the Capture Rule Result.

For example to search for a Database specific error text in the <ERRORMESSAGE> section type OracleException: ORA-00904

Free text. No case sensitive.

Search for the text in any place of the title (LIKE %text%).

FromText to search in the FROM email address(es)

Free text. No case sensitive.

Search for the text in any place of the FROM email address (LIKE %text%).

Captured FromText to search in the TO email address(es)

Free text. No case sensitive.

Search for the text in any place of the TO email address (LIKE %text%).

MessageIdText to search in the MessageId

Free text. No case sensitive.

Search for the text in any place of the MessageId (LIKE %text%)

Grid Columns


Restart: Reprocess the email from the queue.

Delete: delete the email from the queue.

Download Email
: download the incoming email in EML format.
StateCapture item current state


StatusCapture item current processing statusNormal

Result of the rule execution

Options are:



  1. Rule result is defined AND
  2. Rule result is NOT an exception AND
  3. Rule result does NOT have errors


All that does not fall into a success condition AND not "N/A" State


When the rule execution has not been completed

  1. the rule never run OR
  2. the rule is restarted OR
  3. The rule execution is still in process.
TitleCaptured email title. Usually the Subject field of the incoming email.Testing SJ
Last ModifiedDatetime of last modification
09/17/2022 2:09:58 AM
Queue IdCapture item Queue Id999
Capture ChannelEmail Capture Channel Code name.Office365EmailCapture
Capture Item IdCapture Item Idaa2fe49622f34c52af1bdf4bcfe2dec21
MessageIdEmail ID (RFC5322)
FromEmail FROM
Captured FromCapture Channel Email

Understanding the details of an email capture event


General Properties

TitleCaptured email title. Usually the Subject field of the incoming email.Testing SJ
CaptureItemIDCapture Item Idaa2fe49622f34c52af1bdf4bcfe2dec21
Queue IdCapture item Queue Id999
Item Type
StateCapture item current stateCaptureRuleExecuted
StatusCapture item current processing statusNormal
Processor Information
AppBase Instance Id

The ID of the instance of the capture server node that handled the incoming email

Processor NameThe name of the Windows service of the capture server node that handled the incoming email
Server HostnameThe hostname of the instance of the capture server node that handled the incoming email
Server IPThe IP address of the instance of the capture server node that handled the incoming email
Capture Rule Result Execution Details

Result of the rule execution

Options are:



  1. Rule result is defined AND
  2. Rule result is NOT an exception AND
  3. Rule result does NOT have errors


All that does not fall into a success condition AND not "N/A" State


When the rule execution has not been completed

  1. the rule never run OR
  2. the rule is restarted OR
  3. The rule execution is still in process.
Capture Rule Result

Response of execution rule (XML output).

<DATA> <StartMessage>New AER DLL Capture</StartMessage><Start>true</Start><WorkitemId>99999</WorkitemId>
<IsSuccess>true</IsSuccess> <ValidationSummary> <IsValid>true</IsValid> </ValidationSummary> </DATA>
Rule Execution Details

Response of execution rule (JSON output).

When is restarted this field must be reset.

{"DATA":{"ROOT_CUST_AER_CAPTUREINDEXINGEMAIL":{"StartMessage":"New AER DLL Capture","Start":true,"
"IsSuccess":true,"ValidationSummary":{"VALIDATION":null,"IsValid":true}}},"RequestId": ""}

The actual of the submit for a new incoming email

XML Request sent to the rule
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Text message of the last error information extracted from the <ERRORMESSAGE></ERRORMESSAGE> tag in the capture rule result.Submit capture item sync ERROR: Unfortunately, an error occurred: ASF.BDS.Exceptions.RuleAdapterException: Unhandled rule adapter exception....

MessageId of the incoming email

FROM email address of the incoming email
TO email address(es) of the incoming
CC email address(es) of the incoming
Capture Channel Email Account address of the incoming
Office 365
Office 365 WebLink ItemID


Date message was created in the queue
09/17/2022 2:09:58 AM by system@TENANT99
Date message was modified in the queue09/17/2022 2:10:12 AM by system@TENANT99
Date message was processed09/17/2022 2:10:09 AM by system@TENANT99
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