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Interactions (Genesys)

Administrators can use the Interactions (Genesys) page to see all engagements between customers and agents that ServiceJourney can see.

Using the tool

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → ServiceJourney
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Case Management → Admin Tools→ Interactions (Genesys)

Grid columns

DateProcess date of interaction17/09/2022 17:22
MediaMedia type of the interaction (Call/Chat/Message/Email/Task/CallBack)Call
NotesNotes recorded by an agent about the interaction
IntentThis is a not standard field that indicates what the calling customer’s intent was based on business rulesFlight Info Inquiry
QueueQueue the interaction was last routed toGeneral Inquiry
ANIAutomatic Number Identification (ANI) of the phone that originated the
EmailThe email address related to Email Media type Interactionsmyname@myemail.usa
DNISThe Dialed Number Information Service (DNIS) indicates what number the inbound calling party dialed
StateGenesys interaction state (Assigned/Completed/In Progress)Completed
WrapUp Code

A category assigned to an interaction.

For example, to indicate the subject of the interaction, used in reporting generally.

InteractionIDGenesys interactionID or ConversationID in the case of GenesysCloud0af28a5f-7a85-440f-8387-53c3904bdec21
User IDGenesys user ID that last handled the Interaction1bcc8a5f-7a85-440f-8387-53c3904bdec21
User NameGenesys user name that last handled the InteractionTamara Akopian
Case ID (1/2)Case ID(s) associated with this interaction. Cases that were tagged to the interaction or created during the interaction or are the basis of the interaction (like Case routing to an agent)9999
Task ID (1/2)Task ID associated with this interaction. Generally related to tasks being routed to an agent9999
ExternalParty (1/2)

The ID of the External Party CRM Record that is associated with this interaction.

This is generally the calling party or the EP connected to a Case/Task/Email that has been routed but could be different in some use-cases.

WorkItemIdWorkitemId of the individual email that is forming the basis of the interaction9999
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