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Modifying the Party Detail page

The default Party Detail page in ServiceJourney is used to show a detailed view of the records found in the CRM.

Steps to configure

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → ServiceJourney
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Setup
  3. Navigate to Forms and Pages → Detail Pages
  4. Click on the hyperlink of the Party Detail page
  5. Make the appropriate changes
  6. Click Save

Available widgets

The Detail Page Builder comes with various widgets. 


Buttons section

Action ButtonButton to execute a call to a rule, open an APSX page, open an URL, execute custom JavaScript code, or close the window
Custom WidgetButton with custom code
Summary fields
GenericUse to show text from standard labels (Case ID, Priority, etc.), from the MDM model (ModifiedBy,  Category, etc), a hyperlink, or a static label
CreatedDate when the Party data was created and the user who did it.
ModifiedDate when the Party data was modified and the user who did it.
Date of BirthShows the date of birth
EmailShows the email address
First NameShows the first name
Link to UserShows the internal user this party is linked to.
Default TeamShows the default team of the party
Group Work Basket

Shows the group workbasket linked to this party.

External IDShows the external ID of the party
Last NameShows the Last Name
Middle NameShows the Middle Name
NameShows the Full Name
PhoneShows the Phone
NotesShows the Notes
AddressShows the full Address
PrefixShows the Prefix
SuffixShows the Suffix
HyperlinkShows the content of a URL
Donut ChartShows the amount remaining of a value set as a donut graph
Party ChartShows the time elapsed before/after the Goal or Deadline SLA date as a donut graph
Custom WidgetWidget with custom code
MDM Summary fields
Various fieldsThese are fields configured in the Case Type's MDM builder
GenericGeneric widget to show Form Viewer, MDM Form Viewer, MDM Search Viewer, Party Case, or Tasks.
Party InfoShow the initial information entered when the party was originally created.
CasesShow a list of the cases where this party participates.
DocumentsWidget to show the list of all the documents associated with the party. Ability to upload, remove, and view the document.
Form ViewerWidget to show a Single Form built with Form Builder
NotesWidget to show a list of the notes posted on this record. Ability to add new notes.
Related PartiesShows a list of the parties related to this party and its relationship.
EmailsWidget to show the list of all the emails interactions. Ability to reply, forward, attach to an existing case, or detach from the case.
MDM Form ViewerWidget to show the Detail and/or the Modify MDM Form
MDM Search ViewerWidget to show an MDM Search page
Party CaseShow the form to create a new case selecting the Case Type from the customized dropdown list
Custom  WidgetWidget with custom code
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