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Navigating to Users

To access Users, select User Management > Users from the left-hand navigation menu (or select Users directly from the right-hand side of the page): 

The Users list all the users that currently exist in the selected solution. The following information is displayed for each user:



Lists the actions available for each user, such as delete, edit, and resource.         


Indicates if the user is currently active and can log into the tenancy.

DisabledIndicates if the user is currently disabled and currently cannot log into the tenancy.

Full Name

Name of the user; the name is a hyperlink. To access the user details, click on the hyperlink.

Last Login

The date and name of the user last successfully logged into the tenancy.

Last ModifiedDate and name of the person who last modified the user record.

Login Type

Indicates if the user is a database user (created using the User Management feature described in the following pages) or a Federated user (created by an Active Directory or SAML process).


The username of the user (entered into the username field on the login page).

The following actions are available for users:

Screen Icons



Prints the current page



Opens the Help Window

List Actions

Multiple Delete


With Selected Do provides for deleting multiple selected users

New User


Displays a new user form



Exports data to an Excel file

Sync with Active Directory

If Active Directory has been connected to the system for identity management, clicking this button will trigger a manual Active Directory refresh



Refreshes the list

Hide quick help

Hides the shaded yellow quick help area
Row Actions



Opens the user detail form for editing



Deletes a user




Search Actions

Search for the term entered in the search text field
Clear Search

Clear the text entered in the search text field

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