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Solution Resources

Solution Resources are external files that can be uploaded and used throughout the solution. Resources can include JavaScript libraries or CSS files to give a Solution a certain style or look. They can also include images such as logos to be displayed on each page of a Solution.

Use Solution Resources to store files that need to be referenced within your solution. These files are made available to all deployments of this solution.


  1. To access Solution Resources, navigate to AppStudio, then go to Resources → Solution Resources (2) from the left-hand navigation menu (or select Solution Resources directly from the right side of the page).
  2. The core ExtJS Application files are in Solution Resources → SolutionSysFiles. For example, the file CaseDetailDesignApp.js is in the SolutionSysFiles/FOM/JS directory.
  3. The custom pages (.aspx files) are saved in the folder Pages.
  4. You can upload Jasper's reports (.jrxml files) directly in the Reports folder.

Do NOT add or modify files to the default solution. Use the CUST or SMPL folders or add a new folder to upload your custom files.

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