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Tagging allows for setting a label or friendly name against various functions of AppStudio (business objects, rules) for ease of classification. For example, if you are creating a solution that deals with various features - such as a shopping basket feature - then you can create a tag called 'Shopping Basket' and set the tag against any objects, rules, etc, that make up the shopping basket solution.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 

     → Application Studio → <<solution>>

  2. Navigate to Tag → Tags from the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Click the New Tag button to add a new tag definition.
  4. Assign a Name for the tag.
  5. The API Permanent ID will automatically populate based on your name field.  You can change this value if required (minus any spaces or special characters).
  6. Click Save to commit your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

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