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UI Sites and Packages

These two features provide developers with advanced UI package management. To learn more about these features, please contact support.

UI Sites

  1. On the top right, navigate to 

     → Application Studio → <<solution>>

  2. Navigate to Presentations → UI Sites from the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Click the New UI Sites button to add a new package definition.
  4. Assign a Name to the package.
  5. Enter a Description for the UI Site.
  6. Click Save to save the current package or Save and New to save the current and create a new package.
  7. After saving successfully, on the new page, go to UI Elements.
  8. Click the New UI Element to add a new element.
  9. Assign a Name to the element. In our example, demoHyperLink.
  10. Select the Type of the element from the dropdown list. In our example, Hyperlink.
  11. In the Body text area, insert the hyperlink. In our example, <a href="">Home</a>.
  12. Insert a Description for the element.
  13. Click Save to save the new element.
  14. Click Go Back button when done.
  15. Deploy the new UI Site.


  1. On the top right, navigate to 

     → Application Studio → <<solution>>

  2. Navigate to Presentations → Packages from the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Click the New Package button to add a new package definition.
  4. Assign a Name to the package.
  5. Select the Package Schema from the dropdown list. To learn more about how to create a Package Schema go to Package Schemas

  6. Click Save to save the current package or Save and New to save the current and create a new package.

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