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Configuring a capture channel

Connecting to your organization's shared email account required setting up a Capture Channel. ServiceJourney is shipped with a default one called SJ Default Capture, that you can use. You can also create additional Capture Channels if you need to connect to multiple email accounts. 

Step 1: Connecting to an email account

Note: ServiceJourney does not come with an email account. Your organization must manage it's own email server or subscribe to a cloud service such as Microsoft 365.

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → Application Studio → ServiceJourney
  2. Once inside Application Studio, navigate to Channel Setup → Capture Channel Schemas → SJ Default Capture → Edit

  3. Scroll down to the Email section and select the Protocol you wish to use to receive emails. Fill in the fields, as shown below.

    Graph API settings

    Protocol: Office365 Graph

    E-mail Address: @@CAP_EMAIL1_EMAIL_ADDRESS@@

    Application (Client ID): @@CAP_EMAIL1_MSGRAPH_CLIENT_ID@@

    Directory (Tenant ID): @@CAP_EMAIL1_MSGRAPH_TENANT_ID@@

    Authentication: Secret Key or Certificate


    Client Certificate Body: upload the certificate if you select "Certificate" 

    Client Certificate Password: @@SJ_GRAPHAPI_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD@@ if you select "Certificate" 




    POP3 or IMAP settings

    Protocol: POP3 or IMAP

    Email Address: @@CAP_EMAIL1_EMAIL_ADDRESS@@

    Username: @@CAP_EMAIL1_USERNAME@@

    Password: @@CAP_EMAIL1_PASSWORD@@

    Email Server:  @@CAP_EMAIL1_EMAIL_SERVER@@

    Cryptographic protocol: Empty, SSL or TLS

    Email Port: @@CAP_EMAIL1_PORT@@

  4. Set CMS Output Folder Mask to yyyyMMdd
  5. Set Temporary Path to @@CAP_EMAIL1_TEMP_FOLDER@@
  6. Set Import Attachments to checked
  7. Click Save
  8. If you changed anything in Channel Setup → Capture Channel Schemas  SJ Default Capture page, go to Deployment Management → Deploy and deploy the solution
  9. Navigate to Solution Preferences → Environment Variables

  10. When done, click on the Update Context button at the top

Step 2: Configuring how emails are processes

Define the basics of how emails are processed once they are captured.

  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → ServiceJourney
  2. On the left, navigate to 
     → Case Management → Admin Settings → Email Capture
  3. Click the Sync button to retrieve the latest Capture Channels definitions from AppBase.
  4. Click on the 
    next to SJ Default Capture and select Quick Modify
  5. Fill out the fields as needed, explanation of the properties are below
  6. Click Save
Channel Schema

The Capture Channel Schema configured in Application Studio Capturing inbound emails. By default SJ Default Capture.

If you don't see the Capture Channel in the drop-down list, click the Sync button to update the list from AppBase.

Config NameEmail Capture Config name
Channel NameThe Capture Channel Name configured in Application Studio Capturing inbound emails. The default value is SJ Default Capture
Enable Pre ProcessingEnable the PRE processing of the incoming email using the rule defined in the Pre Processor Rule field.
Pre Processor RuleSpecify the rule name to PRE process the incoming email. By default is the C# rule CUST_AER_PreProcessor
Enable Post ProcessingEnable the POST processing of the incoming email using the rule defined in the POST Processor Rule field.
Post Process RuleSpecify the rule name to POST process the incoming email. By default is the C# rule CUST_AER_PostProcessor
What to do during capture:
Process All Rules
Check to process all rules defined for this capture channel in the Email Routers Config when processing an incoming email.

Uncheck to stop processing the rest of the rules defined for this capture channel in the Email Routers Config when a rule matches.

The rules will be processed based on the rule Order Number defined in the Email Routers Config, (ie, 1 is first, 999 is last).

Default is YES (checked).

Send Auto Response

Check to send an Auto Response when processing an incoming email using the Email Routers Config - Auto Replay rule configuration.

Default is YES (checked).

Dynamic Timings

Enable the Genesys Queue Wait Time.

See Auto Response Levels fields below for additional configurations.

For new emails:
Create Case

Check to automatically create a new email case as defined in the Email Case Type.

Uncheck to not create an email case. In this scenario, the incoming email will be routed using the rule defined in the Capturing inbound emails.

Default is YES (checked).

Create Notification

Check to create a Genesys Notification for the new incoming email using the rule defined in the Notification Rule field.

Default is YES (checked).

Case Routing Type

Indicates how to create an interaction in Genesys for new emails. Create the interaction to popup as a Case or as a Task page.

Default is Case

For reply emails:
Notification on Reply

Check to automatically send a confirmation email to the sender using the configuration on How and which reply to send? section in Email Routers Config.

Default is YES (checked)

Reply Routing Type

Indicates how to create an interaction in Genesys. When replying to an email create the interaction to popup as a Case or as a Task page.

Default is Case

Options during capture
Use Email Meta Data

Check to compute the hash from the incoming email and save relevant information in the Email Meta Data Generic Object for use in reporting and duplicate case identification.

Default is TRUE (checked).

Extended Debug Info

Check to add extended debug info to the Email Capture Monitor.

Uncheck to not log extended debug info to the Email Capture Monitor.

Adv. TO handling

Check to use advanced TO address processing using headers.

Newer email servers provide headers. If no header is found, will use the TO address.

Uncheck to not use advanced TO address processing using TO address.

Default Queue

Set the name of the default Genesys Queue for all capture channel rules. For example: SJ DCM

Default Priority

Select the default priority for the Email Case created.

Default is NORMAL.

Default Genesys Prio(rity)

Set the default Genesys priority for this interaction.

Default is 0 (zero).

Default Provider

Set the default Genesys Interaction type as the provider.

Uncheck to force email rule to define the Genesys Interaction as the type provider.

Default is DCM Email.

Default Object Type

Set the default Genesys Object Type to push (Case or Task).

Default is Case

Default Task Name

Set the default Genesys interaction name (task).

Default is Email.

New Party Type

Type of the new EP created when receiving the new email. From Dictionary-Category-Person.

Default is CUSTOMER.

Case Party Type

Select the Party Type for the EP that is attached as a Case Party to the new Case.

Default value is Requester.

Misc. Settings
Create External Party

Check to automatically create an External Party record if there is no CRM record found with this/these FROM email address(es).

The new External Party Type will be the one defined in the New Party Type field int the Options during capture section. Default is CUSTOMER.

Default is YES (checked).

Add EP to Case

Check to add the External Party (EP) to the case as a Case Party using the role set in the Case Party Type the field in the section Options during capture. Default value is Requester.

Default is YES (checked).

Set SLA on Case

Check to re-calculate the SLA to adjust it based on Business Hours and/or Holidays

Uncheck to use SLA configured by the Categorization.

Default is YES (checked).

Detect Language

Check to use the Detect Language function (from Genesys). This feature requires a Genesys licensing.

Default is FALSE (unchecked)

Check for Duplicates

Check to enable duplicate case detection. This feature uses the Email Meta Data object records to identify if the incoming email is a potential duplicate of a previous email.

Default is FALSE (unchecked)

Auto Response Levels
Start (0 seconds)

This level 0 is during auto-replies based on the Queue Times for the queue assigned to the capture channel. Different versions of the LTR Template will be sent for each level – for example, AR_LEVEL_0

Level 1

This Level 1 is during auto-replies based on the Queue Times for the queue assigned to the capture channel. Different versions of the LTR Template will be sent for each level – for example, AR_LEVEL_1

Default value 100 seconds

Level 2

This Level 2 is during auto-replies based on the Queue Times for the queue assigned to the capture channel. Different versions of the LTR Template will be sent for each level – for example, AR_LEVEL_2

Default value 1500 seconds

Case Title Format

Regex expression for custom case numbering schemes. Used when a new email comes in to search for the Subject and/or Body using a Regex expression and it will attach the incoming email to the matched existing case instead of creating a new unrelated case.

Additional CDM Fields

For the email to case type created,  it accommodates dynamically any additional MDM fields added to the case model in the following format: Brand|Market|CustomerNbr

How to handle reply emails?
Email Case Type

Define the Case Type for the emails.

Default is EMAIL.

Email State Closed

Define the Milestone State ID for the closed email case.


Email State ReOpen

Define the Milestone State ID for the reopened email case.

Default is REPLIED.

Notification Rule

Define the rule to notify Genesys when an email is created.


Re-Open Rule

Define the rule to change the milestone of the email case when it is reopened (Replied).


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