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Migrating Articles To Another KB Solution

Use the following steps to migrate a Knowledge Base (Articles, Categories, Tags, etc.) from one KB solution to another.

Export From Source Knowledge Base

  1. Open the source Knowledge Base solution
  2. Navigate to Data Management → Knowledge Base Management
  3. Create an export file using the Export Data option from the gear button

  4. In the pop-up window keep the default options and Start Export
  5. After a couple of minutes, you will get a pop-up to Download the export file to your local folder.
  6. The export file name will be like and it include the name of the KB exported, in our example is KB_USER_GUIDE.

Import to Target Knowledge Base

  1. Open the target Knowledge Base solution
  2. Go to Data Management → Knowledge Base Management (1)
  3. Start to import the source export file obtained in the previous step by clicking the Import KB button.
  4. In the Import Knowledge Base pop-up window selects the source export file from your local folder (zip format).
  5. Keep all the options by default and click the Start Import button.

  6. The import process could take a couple of minutes depending on the size of the file.
    Wait until you get the pop-up window with the "A Knowledge Base ____ was imported successfully" message.

  7. After importing the KB reload the KBs grid using the Refresh button.
  8. Validate that the number of articles is correct for the imported KB.
  9. Close the Knowledge Base Management window.
  10. Go to the Home page. If you don't see the already imported KB, click on the Home icon to refresh the list.
  11. Navigate your imported KB to check the articles were imported successfull.
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