Standard Dashboard Widgets
The widget library offers various widgets that can be added to your dashboard to help you monitor your team’s performance trends and your live workload to help you take necessary actions faster.
Widget Name | Description | Sample |
My Cases Chart By Priority | Pie chart of all Cases assigned to the logged-in user broken down by Case Priority | |
My Cases Chart By Type | Pie chart of all Cases assigned to the logged-in user broken down by Case Type | |
My Tasks Chart By Priority | Pie chart of all Tasks assigned to the logged-in user broken down by Case Priority | |
My Tasks Chart By Type | Pie chart of all Tasks assigned to the logged-in user broken down by Case Type | |
Widget Name | Description | Sample |
My Cases Grid | Grid of all Cases assigned to the logged-in user | |
My Tasks Grid | Grid of all Tasks assigned to the logged-in user | |
My Cases | Grid of all Cases assigned to the logged-in user, clon of My Cases Grid | |
My Tasks | Grid of all Tasks assigned to the logged-in user | |
Widget Name | Description | Sample |
My Tasks Summary | Count of open Tasks assigned to the logged-in user broken down by Priority | |
My Cases Summary | Count of open Cases assigned to the logged-in user broken down by Priority | |
My Cases Total | Total of open Cases assigned to the logged-in user | |
Widget Name | Description | Sample |
Create New Case | List of all the available Case Types | |
Coded Page | Widget used to show a Coded Page | |
AppBase Page | Widget used to show an AppBase Page | |
URL | Widget used to show a URL | |
Image | Widget used to show an Image | |
Widget Escalated Email Cases | Widget used to show the Coded Page ESCALATED_EMAIL_CASES | |
SPAM Emails | Widget used to show the Coded Page RECENT_EMAIL_SPAM | |
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