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Team Notification

Assign Case to Team

  1. Select Team from Assign To drop-down list, by default will show the list filtered by Suggested (which is based on the Minor Category)

  2. OPTIONAL: Select a pre-defined Note to add to the assign notification.

  3. This pre-defined Note will be copied to the Note text area which can be modify adding more text.

Drop-down List Sources

  • Assign To and the Suggested option : CUST_getSimpleWorkbaskets { MinorCategoryId: minCatId }

  • Suggested Notes : DICT_getWords {CategoryPath: 'SUGGESTED_NOTES'}

Confirm Button Action

Call the rule CUST_CS_assignCase with the action 'ASSIGN'

Notification Rule

When in the rule CUST_CS_assignCase code the case is successfully assigned to the team, an email notification is send to the team using the rule CUST_CS_teamNotifyEmailFn (TeamId => v_teamid, CaseId => v_caseid)

Suggested List Configuration

  • The suggested list is associated to the Minor Category.

  • Here you can set the teams associated to CC Resolution and Back Office.

Team Notification Configuration

  • Team Notifications - Settings - Add/Modify settings

  • The minimum settings are:

    • Team

    • Letter Template

    • Email To

Letter Template Configuration

  • The default template has the following bookmarks predefined

  • Sample of email


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