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Anatomy of a Standard Case Detail Page

While every Case Type can be configured to display case-specific information, the layout of the case detail page usually remains similar to other request types.

For new installations of ServiceJourney, there is a standard Case Detail Page for Complaints, Enquiries, and Requests. The information displayed in each section of a standard case page depends on the individual case type.

Standard Case Detail Page

Header title

This is the topmost section of the Case detail page.

Case TypeThe Case Type. By default could be EMAIL, COMPLAINT, ENQUIRY, or REQUEST.
Case IDThe auto-generated unique ID name of the Case.

Header toolbar

Right under the header title is the header toolbar that contains the major actions to do on the Case. By default it contains:

Assign To buttonButton to assign or re-assign a Case to another user, team, or workbasket
Milestone Routing buttonsButtons to route the case to the next Case's milestone. These buttons will vary by Case Type.

Summary section

This section contains basic information about the Case. 

Case TypeThe Case Type. By default could be Email, Complaints, Enquiries, or Requests.
MilestoneActual milestone state of the case. This varies by Case Type.
PriorityPriority of the case.
Case OwnerOwner of the case (assigned to). This could be a Case Worker, Team, or Business Role.
SLA GoalIndicates the time remaining before the SLA Goal date (in green) or the time passed after the SLA Goal date (in red)
SLA DeadlineIndicates the time remaining before the SLA Deadline date (in green) or the time passed after the SLA Deadline date (in red)
Resolution Shows the Resolution name for a close case. This varies by Cases Type.
CreatedDate when the case was created and who created it. For Email case types the default user is System User.

Central tabs

The central tabs contain detailed information about the Case.

Case InfoShow the initial information entered when the case was originally created. It uses the assigned Detail Page.
Emails (99/99)List of all the emails interactions. Ability to reply, forward, attach to an existing case, or detach from the case.
Documents (99)List of all the documents associated with the case. Ability to upload, remove, and view the document.
HistoryProvides an audit log of events that have happened on the Case.
Related Cases (99)Show any existing links to another case. For the case types Complaints, Enquiries, or Requests by default are related to the Email case that creates the case.
Work Activity (99 hours)Case Workers log time spent against certain activities for each type of case.
Discussions (99)Enables various participants in the Case (caseworkers) to create a Discussion thread where an open conversation is captured and responded to by other users.

Right tabs

By default, this section shows:

People (99)List of Case Parties associated with the Case. By default Requester.
Notes (99)List of the Notes posted on this Case.

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