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Email Distribution Channel - SMTP

Distribution channels send alerts to users after a certain event occurs in the system, such as when a workflow has been started or when a work item becomes overdue.

You can specify alerts to notify both users within the system and outside clients such as customers.

The following information is displayed for each Distribution Channel.



Lists the actions available for each Distribution Channel

API Code

API Code for Distribution Channel. This is a unique identifier within AppBase

Distribution Channel Name

Name of the Distribution Channel. The Distribution Channel name is listed as a hyperlink. To access Distribution Channel details, click the hyperlink


Description of the Distribution Channel

Last Modified

Date and name of the person who last modified the Distribution Channel


  1. On the top right, navigate to 
     → Application Studio → <<solution>>
  2. On the left, navigate to Channel Setup → Distribution Channels
  3. Click the 
    New Distribution Channel button.
  4. In the General properties section fill the following fields
    1. Type a Name
    2. Add Tags (if needed)
    3. Select Emal from the dropdown list
  5. In the E-mail properties section enter the properties related to the email connection



    Cryptographic protocol:

    Select the description:

    • Empty (not encrypted)
    • SSL
    • TLS

    SMTP Server

    Enter the server address or use system variables as @@GBANK_SMTP_SERVER@@

    SMTP Username

    Enter the username or use system variables as @@GBANK_SMTP_USERNAME@@

    SMTP Password

    Enter the password or use system variables as @@GBANK_SMTP_PSSWRD@@


    Enter the port number or use a system variable as @@GBANK_SMTP_PORT@@

    Enter the From email address or use a system variable as @@GBANK_SMTP_FROM@@

    If the "Default From" distribution channel attribute is not set and "SendEmailRequest.From" parameter and is not set (it is null), the email will not be sent because the "From" parameter is required and it will raise the exception "The 'From' or 'Default From' attribute value must not be empty"

  6. Add a Description

  7. Save or Cancel the new configuration

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