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Tutorial iReport 5.6

The JasperReports engine has been integrated into AppBase. The reports are built in the Jaspersoft Studio application and then saved as a ‘JRXML’ file to combine the report presentation and data source definitions.  The JRXML file is imported into AppBase and the user can generate the required report in a PDF or Microsoft Excel format. A report can accept input criteria that can be used in data source queries. You can also upload JRXML files to AppBase and execute them using JavaScript or a rule.

The iReport Designer is a powerful environment where reports can be designed from scratch or from one of the many ready-to-use templates that are available. iReport Designer will assist you during all the phases of the report development: JRXML design, Jasper compilation, report execution, and document export or visualization. The following diagram shows the main user interface components of iReport Designer:


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